Yes sorry everyone I just finished preparing the list and my internet went down last night. I am pm'ing everyone now and will work on updating the first page. Again if we have duplicates we will be offering those to people next in line. So if you see anything marked as sold doesn't hurt to ask if we have more as we will honor the price.
Have been looking to add a fish for two to my tank, currently a 36 bow but will soon be a 55 bow. I have 2 percula clowns and a diamond goby. Also have corals. Any of the remaining fish suitable for my set up?
if they all still available, just let me know when your store is open and I'll come and pick it up ( went several times at noon times and it's usually closed )
Ya, next time I will bring just enough to pay for the corals ordered on live sale, otherwise I will empty my wallet while in the store. :smile::smile::smile: