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Below is the list of fish available for pre-ordering now and pick up at the Swap. The quickest way to secure your fish is to send PayPal to For any question please feel free to PM or shoot me an email to that same email. All fish have been treated with PraziPro and put through a full treatment of quinine sulfate and are subsequently held, some for over a month. All are eating both frozen and pellets.

Note: We highly recommend that you isolate all fish even if you buy from us to let them get used to a new husbandry routine, a possible different diet, and get over any transport stress. If you still choose to add directly to your DT, it helps to use an acclimation box, or eggcrate to section off an area in the tank to allow exiting fish to get to know the new fish, and let the new fish build up confidence in a new surrounding without being harassed by the more established tank mates.

Joculator Angel Small ~1.75", Regular Price - $650, Swap Price - $575
Scribbled Angel Female ~4.5", Regular Price - $350 Swap Price - $280
Dispar Anthias Female, Regular Price - $30, Swap Price - $20
Starcki's Damsel, Regular Price - $40, Swap Price - $30
Lyretail Anthia Females (Indian Ocean), Regular Price - $35, Swap Price - $25
White Tail Bristlebooth Tang, Regular Price - $200, Swap Price - $175
Springeri Damsels, Regular Price $7, Swap Price - $5
Longnose Hawkfish, Regular Price - $40, Swap Price - $30
Swissguard Basslet, Regular Price - $150, Swap Price - $140
Watanabei Angelfish Female Small w/ damaged fins otherwise healthy, $40
Blueeye Cardinal PAIR, Regular Price - $40, Swap Price - $30 for the pair
Hawaiian Bicolor Anthias Female (swims upside down very cool), Regular Price - $50, Swap Price $35

One of the scribbled angels up for grab:

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