That leather is almost 5"s across and the war coral next to it is close to 7"s, What you are not seeing in the pic is the fact that the Toadstool is sprouting smaller corals underneath that I can frag easily without touching the main coral, Also the war coral is growing off the rock it has covered on the other side and I have placed smaller rocks for it to grow on. I'm not trying to make money off of it, As I have given many frags away already, But Think of it as trimming the coral back as in the war coral, There is a reason it is on the sand and not on my main rockwork, And the toadstool will not be harmed or chopped up, but why let the smaller ones that sprouted die off when they are getting no light because the larger mother colony above it is blocking all the light. I can take a pic if you wanna see what I'm talking about.