MACNA was a fun event!
My hat is off to all of the folks who worked so hard (namely the NJ Reefers Club) to pull this event together.
Lots of great vendors, corals, old friends and new ones as well.
The MR Mermaids were adorable

Nikki & the other young lady (apologies for not remembering your name

) did a great job dealing blackjack at the
Reefs Magazine booth! I think everyone who attended ended up eating at least 1 MR
For me one of the best aspects was the educational slant to the MACNA conferences, and there was a lot to learn there, all day long each day there was a lecture going, and a heck of a line-up of speakers!
Great to see so many MR members there, sorry I missed meeting a few I see who posted here.
Thanks for posting the pics Steve, you truly captured the festivities.
Two last things..the MR after banquet party ROCKED! The place was packed solid with a very happy bunch of party go-ers. Josh really knows how to throw a party and few who did attend made it to the conference center on time on Sunday morning...yours truly included, who might have had way too much to drink..all in good fun - thanks Josh!
Lastly, I did have a big score during the raffle and won one of the new Marineland 45g cube tanks (, sweet black silicone, including stand, sump, skimmer (the whole 9 yards in the sump, pump area)), and their new 24" lighting system (awesome! though I do have to wait for that last piece to get delivered to me)
Yeah, it was a heck of a fun time! Be sure to make the next one in Orlando in 2010