I finally got around to giving the tank a good cleanup and took some photos. ( I only noticed the glass stains after shooting ). Some of the corals are closed from being moved. Unfortunately I still havent figured out how to get good shots with my digital P&S but I tried.
The tank is a 65 gallon RR with a 20 gallon acrylic sump. Octopus NW150 Recirculating skimmer (IIRC), 2 Koralia #2's, 1 #3. Lighting is provided by 2 x 175 Ushio 10K bulbs and 2 actinic PC for supplementation. Return pump is an OR2500 (or 3500 I forget ). I'm running Phosban but want to setup a manifold so I can also run a carbon reactor off the same pump ( just have to find the time and figure out how to design it ).
Fish - 2 True Perculas ( tank raised ), 2 Purple Firefish Gobies, 2 Nematodes shrimp gobies, 1 Pink Spotted Shrimp Goby, 3 PJ Cardinals, 2 Black Clown Gobies, 1 Cyaneo Flasher Wrasse. Not planning on adding anymore fish. Inverts are 1 Bulls-eye Pistol shrimp, 2 Peppermint shrimp, 2 Cleaner Shrimp ( both are mated pairs at this point ), assorted hermits and snails, 1 Condilatcus anemone ( soon to be relocated )
Corals: Mixed bag - Mushrooms, ricordeas, xenias, Duncans, Sun coral, Assorted Candy Cane, Bali Slimer ( Green and Gold ones ), Montipora plates, Gorgonians, anthelia, zoas, and others. Oh and lots of Red Planaria ( going to tackle that soon ).
Let me know what you think!
This Candy Cane was bought as a four head frag 10 months ago. Now 12+
The tank is a 65 gallon RR with a 20 gallon acrylic sump. Octopus NW150 Recirculating skimmer (IIRC), 2 Koralia #2's, 1 #3. Lighting is provided by 2 x 175 Ushio 10K bulbs and 2 actinic PC for supplementation. Return pump is an OR2500 (or 3500 I forget ). I'm running Phosban but want to setup a manifold so I can also run a carbon reactor off the same pump ( just have to find the time and figure out how to design it ).
Fish - 2 True Perculas ( tank raised ), 2 Purple Firefish Gobies, 2 Nematodes shrimp gobies, 1 Pink Spotted Shrimp Goby, 3 PJ Cardinals, 2 Black Clown Gobies, 1 Cyaneo Flasher Wrasse. Not planning on adding anymore fish. Inverts are 1 Bulls-eye Pistol shrimp, 2 Peppermint shrimp, 2 Cleaner Shrimp ( both are mated pairs at this point ), assorted hermits and snails, 1 Condilatcus anemone ( soon to be relocated )
Corals: Mixed bag - Mushrooms, ricordeas, xenias, Duncans, Sun coral, Assorted Candy Cane, Bali Slimer ( Green and Gold ones ), Montipora plates, Gorgonians, anthelia, zoas, and others. Oh and lots of Red Planaria ( going to tackle that soon ).
Let me know what you think!

This Candy Cane was bought as a four head frag 10 months ago. Now 12+

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