gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Hudson Yards
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This is one of the two Linkia multiflora I bought early this year. I just happened to catch it out wandering about. If you look closely you can see that it recently dropped the two arms at the top and they are growing back.

This is a close up. He's about 1/3 this size in real life. Apparently this species doesn't get any larger than 4-6 inches in diameter.


Pedro Nuno Ferreira

Liquid Breathing
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Hi Cybermeez
How long did you take to perform the acclimatization of your Linkia multiflora?

What process did you follow?

The LFS water parameters were similar/identical/close to your water parameters or were they significantly different?

Do you have more photographs of it?

Pedro Nuno ;-)


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i have had mines from aquatic express when they first ordered them, but it did not drop any comets though. funny thing is a friend of mines who had got it around the same time i did had two comets drop when he was nearing a tank crash


Advanced Reefer
Hudson Yards
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Hi Cybermeez
How long did you take to perform the acclimatization of your Linkia multiflora?

What process did you follow?

The LFS water parameters were similar/identical/close to your water parameters or were they significantly different?

Do you have more photographs of it?

Pedro Nuno ;-)

I did a slow drip acclimation overnight. I'd say it took between 12 and 14 hours total - very, very slowly. I lost a couple of gorgeous blue linkias in the past to what I think was acclimation stress and I didn't want that to happen again. So, I was super careful with these guys.

I put them and the bag water in a large plastic dish. I set that dish in my sump (wighted down with a small rock) and let the water drip in very slowly overnight. Every 3-4 hours I got up and poured a little bit (maybe 15%) of the water out of the jar then put it back to continue the drip.

I have no idea what the parameters of the LFS water were since there's more than just salinity when it comes to saltwater acclimation. I was gonna do a prolonged drip no matter what it was, so I didn't measure any parameters.

They are still cruising around my tank and seem to be doing well despite some serious alkalinity probelms recently. I wish I could say the same for all my SPS corals. :(

If I get some time and they are out, I'll try to get some more photos.
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