The error message may be b/c the file size is to large...try using a different site to "hold" the pics for you... load your pics to that site(just set the privacy with a password) and then link them to this site.
It takes the same time to load and link from photobucket as it does to load to this site, so setting up an account is the only time you lose, and your pics can be a very high quality w large file size.
Good luck and thanks for pics..
Reefman I just sent you the other pics. via email its like 5 or 6 emails cause aol only allows to upload 14 to 16 mb if you can post them up that would be great thanks
Thanks for posting the other pics. The cuddle fish where awsome. They bring a lot of black tip sharks to the area. Could not get any pictures of the black tips cause they are way to fast and the only reason they popped on to the reef was to steal a cuddle fish then vanish.