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New arrivals couple weeks with them now going well


i know i need a new camera thinking about a nikon

poccilipora thanks jim

not new but still one of my favorites

full tank shot


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What kind of lighting do you have over the tank? PC's?

If it is you should try and stay away from SPS for now because chances are you're going to lose money in the long run. Also the goniopora isn't a great choice for a coral, especially green ones.

If you wanna stick with the PC lighting, why not do a softie/LPS tank? It'll look just as nice if not nicer and your corals have the chance to thrive, instead of hang on for dear life :eek:


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Im getting a MH March 29th so i got the poccilipora hes actually doing really well
what i did was took the 65 watt pc blue light and threw in another 65 watt white 10k so i have 130 watts now but thanks for caring nano


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What size tank is it? How long 36inches? The one halide should be fine to cover the entire tank. What bulb did you decide on?

As for dedicating part of the tank to SPS, what are you dosing? What is your flow like? It looks like two Aquaclear powerheads, which provide a very direct stream of water. You might want to look into getting Korolia's(cheap and effective), probably #2's, for water movement if you plan on keep SPS.

Another thing, if this is gonna be a mixed reef know that corals put out different chemicals and they affect one another. For example softies could put out a chemical and in turn it'll stress your SPS. You're going to need some way to take those chemicals out of the tank, carbon and a polyfilter would work since it doesn't seem you have a sump.

Try some montis when you get your halide, see how they go and get a feel for SPS before you jump into Acros and such. You're gonna end up saving yourself a ton of money by taking it slow, trust me.

Although to rockwork is nice, i wouldn't lean rocks against the glass. Personally I think it takes away from the way the tank looks.

For now try moving that other pocci up more towards the light. I wouldn't buy any more SPS until you get your new lighting in place.

In the first pic it looks like the inside of the coral is bleaching or STN'ing which is never a good thing, and probably from lack of flow and light. The second pocci doesn't look soo good either, PE isn't there.

I'd really take a step back and rethink the tank, stay with easy coral now and get a feel for how the tank works, as you progress try something a little harder, then a little harder, until you get to where you wanna be. When I started the hobby a while ago, I did exactly what I'm telling you not to do. Reason being is that when I started I was about 15-16 and didnt yet reach this site so I didn't have anyone to get advice from. So i spent and spent and everything just kept dying.

I know that was long, but I'm just trying to save you some money :)

Call me Kris:D


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ok i see what you mean with rockwork i have one rock leaning on glass now it has my frags on it my zoo frags.....

i decided on a MH clamp on 250 watt HQI.....
its a 20 gallon long so its shallow 12 inches and the sps will be nearly 3 to 4 inshes from the light because they will be perched highest

i dont have alot of softies i think 2 mushrooms if not only 1

I have 2 aqua clear 301 power heads i might get 1 more,.. they put out more movement then a koralina

actually the galexia looks bettrer from when i got it the store AE didnt have as much flow as i had and the poccilipora looks terrible in that picture because of the flash most likely..... i also needed to lower my light in all the pictures becdause the pix came out to bright so what you saw was only under 65 watts

thanks for caring bro im going to be 17 in a few weeks so im not to far away from where you were one time


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rocks leaning on glass = bad.

Take off the eggcrate unless you have some fish that jump, The PC's aren't letting as much light through as they should because of it.

Also before you get more coral, make sure you can keep it with the the stuff you currently have powering your tank. Poccilipora under PC's is pushing it. Would you like to be fed bread and water every day? thats pretty much what your going to be doing to any SPS your planning on putting in untill you upgrade your lights.


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ok i see what you mean with rockwork i have one rock leaning on glass now it has my frags on it my zoo frags.....

i decided on a MH clamp on 250 watt HQI.....
its a 20 gallon long so its shallow 12 inches and the sps will be nearly 3 to 4 inshes from the light because they will be perched highest

i dont have alot of softies i think 2 mushrooms if not only 1

I have 2 aqua clear 301 power heads i might get 1 more,.. they put out more movement then a koralina

actually the galexia looks bettrer from when i got it the store AE didnt have as much flow as i had and the poccilipora looks terrible in that picture because of the flash most likely..... i also needed to lower my light in all the pictures becdause the pix came out to bright so what you saw was only under 65 watts

thanks for caring bro im going to be 17 in a few weeks so im not to far away from where you were one time

When you understand what "flow" actually is, you'll see that the aquaclears don't produce more of it ;).

I'm just triyng to help you stay clear of the same mistakes i made :(

EDIT: My Eyes mislead me:eek:
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I have carbon in my fluval 405 the fluval is in the refugium...

what sort of flow then??

The flow from Aquaclears are like a jet, very concentrated. It's not the kind of flow you want in a reef tank, nor is it the type of flow your coral will appreciate.

You want flow that is wide spread, like that from a tunze or korolia. It moves a lot of water, but in a way that won't harm the coral and it's just much more efficient for achieving good water movement.


My reason for rocks on the glass being bad, is becuase it creates a place for dead spots. With more open rock work you get better movement through and around the rocks :). Thats just what i think though.

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