You suck it up too... that's a cool nano you got going on. Let me know if you need some designer zoos. How far are you going to go with it?Ahhhhh forget it I can't be nice anymore, you're messing up royally so I think it's time you give me your cameras and your tank and call it quits :biggrin:
Dude you have a great setup, you take good pics, suck it up and enjoy
Oh and Loismusttakemorepicsmoreofetn!! :lol2:
:lol2:peephole, haha, otherwise AKA the viewfinder :Blurp:
you photo guys and your technical terms...
Dean... I guess I should have looked better. I swear it was a Canon. I'll call him and ask. Where did you guys find what ever that was to click on that tells you the type camera that's used?
Never mind. I must sound like a caveman.
yeah... new sit com and everything coming in the fall. Sorry that joke was worse than yours Matt. We flopped on that one.Caveman...sorry I didn't know you guys where still around.