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I haven't really figure out how to balance the blue from the actinic lighting out with this camera yet, but the macro capabilities are excellent. The first pic is with this new camera, second pic with an older camera. The macro on the new camera gets in MUCH closer.




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Wow. For shooting with a new camera you did very well! I am trying some digi photos and have had far less luck.

Nice job.

BTW, what do you use for editing software?


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mooner":2v7jq50n said:
Wow. For shooting with a new camera you did very well! I am trying some digi photos and have had far less luck.

Nice job.

BTW, what do you use for editing software?

I use Adobe Photoshop. An old version... 5.5.


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Here is a pic I just took of my sissortail goby.

As you can see there are focus, f stop and apature issues. Can you offer any pointers? I use the manual settings on my Canon Powershot S30 3.2 Meg pix and have a tough time getting the detail like you have to come out. There is much more to the view in my tank than this shows.



  • sissortail.jpg
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mooner":1b46ljdl said:
Here is a pic I just took of my sissortail goby.

As you can see there are focus, f stop and apature issues. Can you offer any pointers? I use the manual settings on my Canon Powershot S30 3.2 Meg pix and have a tough time getting the detail like you have to come out. There is much more to the view in my tank than this shows.


Hmmmmmm......... was this pic taken in macro mode? What were the aperture and shutter settings? Here are some pics with a Canon S40 of fish in my tank..... some are cropped from larger pics.






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mooner":1plkc70f said:
Here is a pic I just took of my sissortail goby.

As you can see there are focus, f stop and apature issues. Can you offer any pointers? I use the manual settings on my Canon Powershot S30 3.2 Meg pix and have a tough time getting the detail like you have to come out. There is much more to the view in my tank than this shows.


I would say the focus and f-stop issues are the same (BTW f-stop and aperture are the same thing). If you shot that with a higher f-stop number, you would have better depth of field throughout and therefore more focus.

Main problem I see though is noise. Did you shoot that at ISO800? Gotta bump that back down, see what your camera can do at 400. My coolpix 880 gives me terrible noise at 800, bearable at 400.

Now the quandary: I've told you you need to shoot with a higher f-stop and lower ISO... this is going to significantly decrease your shutter speed so shoot with a tripod if you can and practice, practice practice!



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I am indeed in macro mode and I just tried all the above tips. I tried fstops from 4.3 to 7.1, I used a back light (spot), got out the tripod, used shutterspeeds from 1/40 to 1/160 and all helped. I got some decent pics but my batteries died so I will have to wait to upload.

More questions: I assume zooming is a bad idea? I try to get as close to the glass as I can and zoom out all the way. Also, I am trying to hit the glass at a 0 degree angle to reduce difraction and increase the sourcelight that gets to my camera. Is this necessary?

I will keep practicing and thanks again.


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Ah yes.

It's all about the lighting. Here are the results of my new lights which enalbed me to go to a much higher shutter speed (1/160) and higher f-stop (8.0) with the tripod. This is 100% better. I still have some practicing to do but this is a start!

Thanks all.


  • goby.jpg
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WOW... 1/160 at f/8..... you running 1000-watt halides?


I'm lucky to get 1/60 at f/4 at ISO400...

Speaking of, you've still got some noise issues. If you're at 1/60 you should lower your ISO to 100 or 200. That should get rid of all that nasty noise.



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No, really! I was at f stop 8.0 and had 1/160 as shutter speed. I have 160 Watts total over this 44 Gallon reef. About 80% of which is 6500 K. BTW, by noise do you mean the movement (like the streaking bubbles in my previous pic)?

I will try the ISO change to 200 and loosen up the f stop and see what happens.


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mooner":3h6yo10g said:
No, really! I was at f stop 8.0 and had 1/160 as shutter speed. I have 160 Watts total over this 44 Gallon reef. About 80% of which is 6500 K. BTW, by noise do you mean the movement (like the streaking bubbles in my previous pic)?

I will try the ISO change to 200 and loosen up the f stop and see what happens.

What don't you try to increase the f stop and open up the aperture?


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Not to hijack but....NKT, just noticed your avatar. Are those Wilson Watt Pups or the Egglestonworks? If those are yours I am inDEED jealous! I am a Klipsch man for two reasons...budget and I graduated Electrical Engineering at NMSU/Klipsch School of Engineering.

Either way, you got taste in tunes my friend!


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thanks for noticing :D. Those are the egglestonworks fontaines...have had them over 2 yrs and can't bear to ever part with them at this point. :) Here's the rest of my system:
(posted these in another thread)



nice to see another audio enthusiast on this board ;)


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Well, we have one component in common...the Monster Power unit!

Nice set up! I bet it sounds sweeeeeet.

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