I investigator1 Advanced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jun 20, 2003 #1 My fungia went puffy. He is now back to normal. Attachments ssotd.jpg 82.8 KB · Views: 374
N NKT Junior Member Location Kips Bay/Manhattan Rating - 100% 3 0 0 Jun 20, 2003 #2 Wow, I've never seen a fungia do that before. Cool shot!
D dtiedke Experienced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jun 20, 2003 #3 Mine did that....right before it bleached almost 75% of itself. :evil: :evil: We decided to try and nurse it back to health, and after a month it is starting to color back up and is extending its tentacles again.. Weird.... Dave
Mine did that....right before it bleached almost 75% of itself. :evil: :evil: We decided to try and nurse it back to health, and after a month it is starting to color back up and is extending its tentacles again.. Weird.... Dave
I investigator1 Advanced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jun 20, 2003 #4 At the time I did freak out and did a 25 percent water change.
I iphy Active Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jun 27, 2003 #5 Mine did that recently, too. And then just went back to normal. No color change and no other weird behavior since then. It appears to have been an isolated incident. But I was pretty freaked out whilst he was doing it.
Mine did that recently, too. And then just went back to normal. No color change and no other weird behavior since then. It appears to have been an isolated incident. But I was pretty freaked out whilst he was doing it.