Here are a couple of pics of some of my new fish. Please excuse the pics; these fish are very reclusive, and the only breeder containter I had for the photo shoot is very scratched up.
That pallidum is absolutely beautiful....and it does indeed look like an aurora. I actually saw a susumi at the wholesaler at few days ago...very interesting fish. Thank you for sharing, and if you've got more rare/exotic fish feel free to post those too . I'll admit i have a soft spot for rarer fish. :?
The plectranthias lives with me. I got him at a LFS. The thing is only about an inch long, although I have seen them upwards of two inches. In the three months I have had him, I can honestly say I have never seen him eat, but he is doing just fine. Perphaps he is content to eat microfauna over frozen mysis.