Wow...what can I say. You guys really don't make it easy to narrow it down to five. Some really eye-popping photos in this batch, as I'm sure you'll all agree. We really do have some talented people on this board!
Congrats to those who made the finals, and for those who didn't, remember to keep shooting!
Note: Remember to log in to view the pictures!
Photo #1
Name: SamW
Photo Title: Moorish Idol
Photography equipment: Canon Powershot S40
Location/Tank: Main Reef Tank

Photo #2
Name: Jinjit
Photo Title: The Three Tenors
Photography equipment: Nikon CP4500
Location/Tank: Israel
Comments: A threadfin goby triplet warming up before the last Eurovision contest...
Photo #3
Name: gregr
Photo Title: Angler
Photography equipment: Canon D60, 100mm macro lens
Location/Tank: southern california, 90g
URL (optional link to your personal gallery): http://www.gregrothschild.com

Photo #4
Name: Art Malone
Photo Title: 'psst.. hey buddy'
Photography equipment: Nikon N70, 20mm f2.8 lens, ikelite housing, dual strobes
Location/Tank: Turks/Caicos
Comments: saw quite a few barracuda on the trip, but this is the only one I saw actually in the reef, instead of in open water
Photo #5
Name: Travis Staut
Photo Title: Gaping Damsel
Camera Equipment: Canon 10D, 1/350 @ f/5.6 ISO1600, 100mm macro and 420EX flash using hi-speed sync.
Comments: Lucky shot.

Remember, please don't reply to this thread or post any comments about the photos; just cast your vote!!
And keep shooting! 8)