Anybody ever use something like this? I'm thinking about picking one up before going on vacation this summer...

[/img]This is just the kind of cool thing that all digital picture lovers have been waiting for! Have you ever been in the situation where you are down to your last Flash Card and you're running out of space.. Pretty soon, you start making sacrifices - this picture goes, this stays, this one maybe... Wouldn't it be cool to have a portable storage device to dump your pictures to and then keep on snapping - no need to lug along a computer? That's EXACTLY what this device does -- what is it?! It's the X's-Drive!!! With this terrific unit, you can dump your pictures directly onto a hard drive (you buy and install) from your digital camera media. It'll read SmartMedia, SmartDisk, MultiMedia Card, Memory Stick, CompactFlash Type I/II and IBM MicroDrive! To give you an idea how quick and simple this item is, you simply take your digital camera medfia (say, a CompactFlash card), plug it into this battery operated, portable X's-Drive, press the "copy" button and in about 3 1/2 minutes (for a 128MB CompactFlash card) all the pictures are copied to the drive!! Take the card out, erase all the pictures on it with you camera and start taking them again - confident in knowing that all the pictures that you took are safely stored away on the X's-Drive. When you get home, simply plug the X's-Drive into a handy USB port on your computer and it is then seen as another hard drive by your computer.. You can then take all the pictures off it - no muss, no fuss!!! This drive does NOT include a hard drive as we sell it - you need to provide that and install it. You simply take off the two back screws and plug in the drive, then put it back together.. It's that simple to install !!! This device will take a standard 2.5-inch IDE notebook drive 9.5mm or smaller in height with no capacity limit (the first time you install the drive, you will need to format it with your PC). The built in Li-on batteries ensure a long operation time for sharing data (you can transfer that same 128MB Compact Flash card up to 42 times on a single charge)! Get an X's-Drive now for the Digital Photophile in your family!