
Utterly amazing photos this time around, folks. I am absolutely floored and if it were up to me, there would literally be 9 or 10 shots in the finals.
Congrats to those who made the finals, and for those who didn't, remember to keep shooting!
Note: Remember to log in to view the pictures!
Photo #1
Name: Stonehaven
Photo Title: Planet Cerealis
Photo Equipment: Canon D60, EF 100mm Macro lens. Handheld.
Location/Tank: Greenwich CT/500g reef.

Photo #2
Name: Art Malone (aMalone on #reefs)
Photo Title:'Wild' Fiji coral
Equip:Nikonos V, 35mm lens, Macro extension tube, SB-103 strobe
Location: Bega Lagoon, Fiji
Photo #3
Photography equipment: Nikon CP4500
Location/Tank: Israel
Photo #4
Name: Travis Staut
Title: AcroMacro
Camera: Canon 10D
Location: Dallas, TX

Photo #5
Name: Wampatom
Photo title: Green Bali Acropora
Equipment: Nikon 990, external strobe
Location: 75 gal
Remember, please don't reply to this thread or post any comments about the photos; just cast your vote!!
And keep shooting! 8)