We had a spectacular turn-out for our second Reefs.org Bi-weekly photo contest. It's time for you to pick your favorites!
We thank everyone for participating. Again, picking the finalists was extremely tough...Congrats to those who made the finalists, and for those who didn't, remember to keep shooting!
Note: Remember to log in to view the pictures!
Photo #1
Name: bar
Photo Title: My goldband maroon in green carpet anemone
Photography equipment: sony dsc707f
Location/Tank: My 130g Reef Tank in israel.
Photo #2
Name: Jason Openshaw - AKA - Kabob
Photo Title: Scared Clown
Photography equipment: Nikon Coolpix 995
Location/Tank: 20 gallon reef tank
Comments: My butt hurts from sitting in front of the tank
Photo #3
Name: gottaknow
Photo Title: Reflection
Camera: Nikon 4300
Tank/Location: 80gal reef at home
Photo #4
Name: loosbrew
Photo Title: Tomatoe clown in LTA
Camera: SONY DSC f 505 v AF
Comments: not as good as others, but still a decent pick.
Photo #5
Name: Wampatom
Photo title: True clown in false anemone
Equipment: Nikon coolpix 990
Location: Chicago/75 gal.
Beautiful work by all .... truly a tough decision.
Polls will close in 7 days. The winner will be announced on Monday, May 12, 2003. Winning submission will be displayed on Reefs.org's homepage, as well as receive a 15% off discount on any purchases over $100 at Marine Depot. Good luck to all the finalists! Be sure to check out our next Photo Contest: Crustaceans.
Please note: Refrain from commentary posts in this thread. Such posts will be deleted. You must be a registered member to vote and view attached photos. Please log in to particpate in the polls. Individuals are permitted only one vote per contest. Any violations of these rules may result in an administrative ban