Who's picking up?
Hey folks. Time for an update. As of right now, we still only have the two orders in (expecting a third), and lots of maybe posts. There seems to be a lot of confusion as to where the order will be shipped and how that will affect who can order and where pickup will be. There have been several people who mentionied possibly accepting the order, but on our end we do not have an absolutely set 'ship to' person. We're willing to work with you all as far as the minimum order amount, but we really need a shipping address. I'm afraid we're not familiar enough with the geography of your area to be able to help figure out who's the most centrally located.
So, basically, we need you guys to figure out who we're shipping to if this thing is going to move forward. If we do not have a confirmed shipping address by 2:00 this afternoon, we're going to have to cancel the Group Buy. If there's been some discussion in the background and you all know who's picking up, that's great. Just let us know so we can get everything together. Thanks guys.