Still waiting on the shipment. I will be here until 6am since the airline decided to bump the shipment all day until the last flight of the night. Yay........:frown:
sorry for the delay guys! Pics will be up tomorrow afternoon! I actually got lucky that I got to go home on time. The shipment didnt arrive till 2am and i couldnt pick up untill this morning around 9am. However... we did recieve the following fish and corals.
Thank you Alex! Soon as he decides to come out I shall be showing him off. My other exquisite is very excited by this new exquisite.
Check this pic out the African Exquisite wrasse I got from you today is the lighter one. My original one is a 1/3 the size much darker in coloration since it is a fiji exquisite. The way it has been dancing around the new one I'm wondering if it is a female.:scratchch