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Paul B

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Lets remember our Fallen Veterans today. If it were not for them, we would not be having fun on this day.

I had an Uncle who was a WW1 Vet. He led the Veterans Day Parade in Manhattan until he was into his 80s, then when he could not keep up by walking, they put him in a car that led the parade. His uniform stilll fit.
My Army uniform didn't fit me after about ten minutes after I came back to civilian life.
My Father N Law was wounded in the Cook Islands and spent a year in a hospital. My Dad was a little old for WW2 so they made him a plumber building Navy ships in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
I hope during our bar be cue's and partying we take a moment to remember our fallen Veterans.
When I was a kid this was called Decoration Day


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Please take the time today to realize what Memorial Day is really about. Thank you to all who are serving or have served this great country and thank you to all who gave their lives in service of this great country. You are all the real heroes of the world and have my respect.

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