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Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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Maine has blizzards. Try Ohio. Nothing ever goes on in Ohio.

Although I can't remember where I saw this, I believe Ohio has bad flooding. The following is a list of States with "good weather", But at quick glance you can pick out some as states that have other problems ( tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes etc....)

1. California
2. Hawaii
3. Texas
4. Arizona
5. Florida
6. Georgia
7. South Carolina
8. Delaware
9. North Carolina
10. Louisiana
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That top 10 list has states that have problems every year. The Carolinas get hit with big ice storms every winter and hurricanes almost every year. Georgia has severe dry weather problems in the summer and they have to ration their water. Louisana, hm does Katrina ring a bell? Also where do you think all that water from the misissippi goes after it floods further north.
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Look at this pic, it reminds me of the feeling with some Terminator scenes.

This video sure make anyone feel helpless within vortex.

This tornado is only 1 hour drive away from my Kansas location. Our services area is within 45 mins drive. It's very close. Damn.

Hmm, I tend to like California the most so far but I should check out the fault lines and mountain fire area though.


Mt Sinai, NY
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Long Island Sound 2008


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Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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That top 10 list has states that have problems every year. The Carolinas get hit with big ice storms every winter and hurricanes almost every year. Georgia has severe dry weather problems in the summer and they have to ration their water. Louisana, hm does Katrina ring a bell? Also where do you think all that water from the misissippi goes after it floods further north.

That ist was taken from a search for states with good weather. If you read the entire post you will see that I stated that each state has problems.

It would be safe to say that you have to pick your weather problem, no matter what state is chosen.

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