anyone else find this kind of funny? sometimes you just really want to go nightswimming in other people's pools. :lol2:
i've never met him, but his books are helpful and his on-line assitance was greatly valued. Hopefully he'll get the help that he needs and sort himself out.
sad to see, but kinda fitys what i always tell my son, life is a line and it isnt hard to step on the wrong side of the line when you arent walking sober
He's not a celebirty and thats stuff you did when you where like 18-21. And what makes you think your wife could get him out of trouble in NJ? You are better off knowing the judge and the officers making the arrest than having a good lawyer.Yeah, but you care a lot less about the line when you're not sober! :lol:
Good luck to him. I've never been one to think of celebrities as more than regular people, if he has issues, I hope he can work them out. He's a great resource to the hobby, and I wish him the best.
Eric, if you're reading this... Next time get in trouble in NJ... my wife isn't admitted to the bar in TX.