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Advanced Reefer
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Left the station at 12:30 last night, and I got a call at 2:04 am from the alarm company saying they have a glass break alarm. I got there at 2:14 am and there were 5 cops already there, the front glass was smashed.

First thing we did was go to the office and pull up the security footage and got a description of the degenerate. One of the cops sent the description out on the radio and they dispatched a helicopter that was already local at a shooting to sweep the area. They also had the k9 out in the neighborhood. Within 5 minutes of the description one officer already had an eyeball on the guy, so all the cops dipped out to go get him. They caught him and brought him back to the station, I managed to take a few pics of him, but he kept turning his head so I couldnt get his face in the pic lol

Since we lock up all the cigarettes, and lottery tickets he really didnt get much. I live a rack of cigs out just incase we do get broken into so they dont smash up the store, did a quick inventory and found out he took 9 packs of cigs, and $23 in change from the register. And broke a $275 piece of glass lol. It took him 4 minutes 41 seconds to break the laminated glass enough to get in btw


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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wow man, im glad everyone was safe and you cought him. how desperate do you have to be to break in and steal cigs and 25 bucks! come onnn. lol glad i quit smoking.

hope everything goes well


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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haha I woulda been too bro I have been in crazy situations like that..pay back is beautiful. I can't wait to move so I can drop dimes on my landlord to the buildings dept and the irs lol I woulda abused that guy in the car like nice job geek you got caught in 5 minutes..you gotta be the worst damn criminal ever..not to mention I got you on video. Just make him feel like a total moron. haha


Advanced Reefer
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Wow the cops were there in 10 minutes ? And caught the guy there's no way that could have been NYPD their response time is much longer than that although I hope I'm wrong cause that would mean they're improving and that would at least make me feel like the ridiculous tax hikes are doing something


cephalopod enthusiast
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Reminds me of the Time somebody broke Into my car to try and steal my sound system, but couldn't get it out and stole my ashtray full of change (that was for coinstar!) Glad nobody was injured/nothing TOO valuable got taken.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Winter. Time for Flakes..
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Sucks that it happened... but glad the f'er got caught.
He's lucky that the cops caught him... Me when I see a crackhead trying to break into cars and steal things... I have this nasty habit of breaking their legs or their head... whichever comes first


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