I haven't been in any stores that actually carry it, but people did special order it. I looked through the ingredients and it seems like a pretty high quality food, and the price isn't bad either! I looked up how much different sized bags cost and ~$45 for 30lbs is a pretty good deal. I'd stick with it
Congrads nice looking puppy you got their, just be carefull it doesn't jump off the couch their hind legs are very brittle at that age. And I agree the kids look very happy.
I use Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers, My dogs love it and their coats and health seem just as good as when I was feeding them Wellness. I went with this because Wellness runs around 60-70 dollars a bag and it was getting expensive going through a bag a week. And all the reviews had the Chicken soup ranked right with wellness at half the cost.
I give my lab and bull terrier heath extensions I was told its a good food and made in long island anyone else use this brand tentacles have u ever heard of that one