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Suffolk County
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Now that my wife and I have a house, we can finally start looking for a dog :teeth:.

We've both had dogs most of our lives (and our parents still do). I'm really looking for a bulldog. Love 'em. Anyone else have a bully?

Og Drogon

Freshwater monster
Apopka, Florida
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Now that my wife and I have a house, we can finally start looking for a dog :teeth:.

We've both had dogs most of our lives (and our parents still do). I'm really looking for a bulldog. Love 'em. Anyone else have a bully?

I know that feeling just moved to our first house.... And now we are looking for a dog too but, more of the Maltese,pavilion type :)

I just never bought a dog so when I hear the price it scares me lolz ..... They were always a gift.


Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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Ill tag along on this one cause I too was lookin for an english bulldog I know there's a guy named ivan out of staten island that breeds them but wants anywhere from 1800 to 3 grand per pup very expensive pups becareful with the online scams also especially adoption bullies


Rice Planter
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mY buLLy... Red


garys reef

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i think english bull dogs are great the MARINE CORP mascot semper fi but they do have alot of maintance issues i think u have to clean there wrinlkles out at least once a week im not 100% sure on that i do love that dog i have two bull mastiffs with two young children and they are great the one in the pick is 10 months old and 140 lbs but a big baby unless you go near my kids and he doesnt know you lol


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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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yea the price of puppies is crazyyy..definitely look into rescues. Bulldogs are eh..they definitely are maintenance and they slobber a lot. I always liked the min pins low maintenance they stay small and they are very clean..as long as you don't get a yappy one you are good. LOL I have seen them very chill and quiet I have also seen them crazy and loud like chihuahas. I'm sure you know this but definitely spend time with the pup before you buy it regardless of the breed. Some people just point and buy then later realize this animal is not so great. That's a long term relationship so the chemistry has to be right. Just think of it like if we all married the 1st person we dated there would be a lot more unhappy people out there. Good luck bro!


Addicted to coral
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my dogs

they are the best but shed the most, very hard with my newborn who crawls in hair all day
the father is 110lbs
the son is 90lbs
some new and old pics


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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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My girlfriend favorite breed is the British bulldogs. They are amazing, and adorable as pups. ONly thing is she knows we will never get one. She is in college right now for vet tech and she and I both know the back grounds of bull dogs are sadly horrible health wise. CHD, KCS, shoulder luxation, and obviously skin fold dermatitis and horrible respitory problems. Not to mention the price tag straight from a breeder. SInce most females have to be artificially inseminated and have a C section during birth, obviously the price tag is usually 3 grand for a puppy. That's why I'm happy with my free mutt. My rottie/shepherd/pitt mix. He is my baby/daddys boy lol. Pitts are and forever will be my favorite breed of dog. That and chow chows. I grew up my whole life with chows.

what kind of bulldog were you thinking? english? french? british? american? chinese? ect...
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Look at my bare bottom!
Staten Island
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yea the price of puppies is crazyyy..definitely look into rescues. Bulldogs are eh..they definitely are maintenance and they slobber a lot. I always liked the min pins low maintenance they stay small and they are very clean..as long as you don't get a yappy one you are good. LOL I have seen them very chill and quiet I have also seen them crazy and loud like chihuahas. I'm sure you know this but definitely spend time with the pup before you buy it regardless of the breed. Some people just point and buy then later realize this animal is not so great. That's a long term relationship so the chemistry has to be right. Just think of it like if we all married the 1st person we dated there would be a lot more unhappy people out there. Good luck bro!

The reason prices are so high in regard to Bulldogs is because they are extremely hard to breed. Most female specimens must be artificially inseminated and c sectioned at birth because of the composition of their body combined with their very bad respiratory problems, it's pretty hard to do it the old fashioned way and at birth some females have even died of breathing problems giving natural birth.

Here are some tips, be careful when buying a Bulldog (English Bulldog in particular, American not so much) make sure you have it checked by a vet for genetic respiratory diseases, these diseases are easily contracted in the breed sometimes even passed down accidently in the gene pool. My uncle bred AKC English Bulldogs for 36 years, by far one of the most difficult dogs to breed. Never leave an English Bulldog in hot weather fully exposed the sun for over 30min to an hour the dog could easily pass out, again number one problem with the breed is their breathing.

Sure these pups can sell for 2-3k sometimes but the breeder (a good honest breeder not a backyard breeder) can sped up to 10k for a single litter, sometimes for a litter of a mere one or two pups. They are great dogs though you'll love them, very loyal a bit on the smelly side though if you don't mind the farting lol.
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Addicted to coral
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Those are nice lookin bullies jarrett love the son where did u get yours from maybe I can go there also for a pup

me and my buddy breed them, worst thing we ever did because it cost as much as if i would of bought one and he ended up keeping 4 of them,LOL
I always suggest to adopt but this breed is almost impossible to find at the shelter. The downside to them is the live at max 9 years:mad:

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