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Paul B

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Keeping in shape.

I myself like to try to keep myself healthy. It is not always easy especially being my wife has been going to a gym 4 times a week for almost all her life.
And she doesn?t just go to socialize; she lifts weights and generally makes me look like a wimp.
We also eat right, no fried food, no salt, sugar, soda, fats canned food, in other words we eat like rabbits. OK rabbits that eat sea food.
I go swimming. It?s not the same as weight lifting but it is better than nothing.
I know most people exercise by lifting beer cans and TV remotes. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I do some of that myself although I opt for vodka, only because the bottle is heavier and it gives me more exercise.
So I was in the town pool this morning doing my laps and I looked around and noticed that I am by far the youngest one there.
Yes, there are many people older than me, As a matter of fact, I saw Mrs. Washington there.
Most of the people there at that time in the morning are WW2 era and it is more of a social thing for them because even though they are decked out in goggles and bathing caps, they just slowly all walk back and fourth together and talk about old times and Jack Benny.
So I was thinking of how healthy I am getting by doing all of this swimming and I noticed that there was this palm tree near the pool. It was all brown, wrinkly, wilted and half dead. Eventually of course I realized it was not a palm tree, but Martha.
But let?s not dwell on that now.
We all could benefit from a little more exercise, changing water in a fish tank does not really count. Yes I know it?s heavy but, no, it still doesn?t count. If you had to swim a half a mile from the beach to collect it that would count but not many of us do that. Well I don?t anyway.
Don?t get me wrong, I am not Arnold Schwarzenegger and I am 10 or 15 pounds overweight. I could afford to eat less pasta, drink less Vodka and exercise more.
But If I did all that, why would I want to keep living?


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Im joining the ride to Montauk this June 18. Anyone else in here doing that one?

Im riding 100 miles from Babylon on a mountain bike, I havent been on a bicycle in 10 years until February when I bought one.
There is the option of doing 168 miles starting in the city. Maybe next year Ill start there. My friend is doing this on a hand powered recumbent bicycle.


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long island ny
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i started running about 1 year ago now i cant stop up at 530 am rain sleet or snow running my 3 miles every day.the wried thing is now if a miss a day i feel like crap!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul B

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Im joining the ride to Montauk this June 18. Anyone else in here doing that one?

Although I am not doing that this year we did organize a MS bike tour out there for 3 years. We will go again next year. My next door neighbor rides her bike from here (exit 34 on the LIE) to Montauk, and back. It is about 120 miles from me.
I just drive out there and do some swimming.
I am not that ambitious but I wish I were.

House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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it's actually 128 miles from Penn Station (where the Montauk century starts).

In 2000, I completed it in 6hr and 8 mins. Those days are long gone. great fun (and flat) ride.


Im joining the ride to Montauk this June 18. Anyone else in here doing that one?

Im riding 100 miles from Babylon on a mountain bike, I havent been on a bicycle in 10 years until February when I bought one.
There is the option of doing 168 miles starting in the city. Maybe next year Ill start there. My friend is doing this on a hand powered recumbent bicycle.

Paul B

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Sucks getting older:lol2:

Yes but the good part is that even when we only do a little exercize we feel like we worked out all day. Just standing up feels like I walked a mile so I figure I am working out like crazy. If only in my mind.
Eating right is also very important, probably as important as working out. If you run then eat French Fries you were probably better off watching TV and eating an apple.
We don't do fried foods. of course fried Calamari doesn't count because I just owe it to my body to have that every couple of months. I would eat it every day but I talk myself out of it and usually just have it sauteed.
We also don't eat red meat. I don't really care about the cows feelings, I just do it for health. If you are having a bar be cue and invite me and you are just making hamburgers, I will eat as many as you, we just don't buy them or order them out.
Living on Long Island makes that easier as we have sea food restaurants every 500 feet or so. I probably have enough mercury in me to make a few dozen thermometers but that is OK because I can always tell you the temperature. :usa1:
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The problem with eating right is that every time I start feeling better about what I'm eating, I reward myself for sticking to it. It's a vicious cycle lol. 12 years ago i was running 7 miles a day after PT in New Mexico, which coming from NY is no small task. The first 2 weeks out there the 5 guys from NY were all on the side of the road dying by mile 2. I should really start running again or atleast doing some cardio.


Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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i started running about 1 year ago now i cant stop up at 530 am rain sleet or snow running my 3 miles every day.the wried thing is now if a miss a day i feel like crap!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeremy I believe paul B is referring to exercising for the purpose of staying in shape. I don't think he's referring to the chase your wife gives you because your dabbling in her closet for a new outfit to wear out...:Yikes: :duh: :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:


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long island ny
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holy s$$t lmfao theres the alex i love :kiss:
Jeremy I believe paul B is referring to exercising for the purpose of staying in shape. I don't think he's referring to the chase your wife gives you because your dabbling in her closet for a new outfit to wear out...:Yikes: :duh: :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

Paul B

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The first 2 weeks out there the 5 guys from NY were all on the side of the road dying by mile 2.

When I was in Basic training I was one of those NY guys on the side of the road dying, only it didn't take me two miles to get like that. By the 8th week of basic we were all running 27 miles to the rifle range.
Of course I was 19 years old and 30 lbs lighter then.
I swim laps for 30 minutes not, not 31 minutes because I do not really like to swim, especially in a pool. The first week I could barely make one lap, then the next week two laps and so on. It doesn't take long at all to get in shape but you have to get off the couch.
It also was much easier to run with a drill instructor screaming in your ear


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I was in the Marines and we ran everywhere.
I still run and I can honestly say every mile I do now is just as hard as when I was younger. If there is a wall out there I have yet to hit it.

For me, the best part of running is stopping. And that's only the best part because I am no longer running.
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The elevation in NM makes the air very thin especially when you come from sea level, it might as well be a vacuum lol. They cut us some slack because it was a legitimate reason and we were already in great shape we just had to acclimate. I just need to get back in the gym.


Cherry Collector
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Think about it this way. swimming 1 miles= running 3miles. You will get a better work out swimming then actually running... I myself try to swim 1000 yrds 3 times a week. theres no better work out then that. and if your pool or gym has a suana go in their for 15-25min and get rid of all your fat hahaha...


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north babylon
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just wanted to add this. its not about the distance or what you are doing. it is about the intensity of it. If you sprint rather than run/jog and I do mean sprint fully to best of your ability it has far more benefits than low intensity. low intensity could actually be bad for you and steal away lots of muscle mass from your body. I wouldnt even consider jogging anymore except maybe to warm up a short run. Also the key to staying in shape is muscle mass. Just by having more muscle mass you use up more calories doing nothing

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