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so my back went out again and im in real bad shape.i cant stand up for more then a few minutes before the pain goes shooting into my leg.i went to a new orthopedic because my good doctor is booked til the 28th.well i did not like him at all.he didnt even look at the xrays while i was in the office.he didnt measure the gap in between vertabrate to see how much the 3 discs are herniated.he kept trying to push pain killers on me and when i turned it down he looked at me like i had 3 heads.finally he suggested cortozone shot which i really did not want but i decided to take this one.now im not a doctor and i dont know how administering it works but all he asked me where where the pain was and i pointed with my index finger and thats where he injected the shot.now it did nothing for me except now the pain down my leg is more a numbing pain but the back is still hurting.is this how this specific shot is given.without any knowledge of where the exact nerve is.needless to say im not going back to him again and my tank is pretty much disaray and i think i lost a fish.
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not sure how far you want to travel, but there's a orthopedics department at new york downtown hospital (downtown Manhattan, close to financial district), that I heard was pretty good. Never been there myself but one of my co workers said the doctors there were good when i asked about finding someone to check out some running pains. departments suppose to be new, doctors that came over when st. Vincent closed.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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You called your regular ortho and he told you he was booked til the 28th? Really? I would find a new doctor just because of that.


Try Dr Wilson. He's many out of the Bronx but he does have an office on 33rd & 1st. The other orthos their are very good as well.



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When I had my shots in my back my DR used a cat scan to pin point where the needl was going. The shots are only temporary anyways and they hurt like hell. I have been doing acupuncture with electrolsis. It does make a difference but after 10 straight weeks of it I felt ok. I have stopped for 3 weeks and I'm back to where I started in a ton of pain. My union hall has since forced me into retirement I have my pension and S.S. now at the age of 31. You must have herniated your L4 and L5 as well for the shooting leg pain. I have been to 21 different Drs in the past 2 years and they all say the same thing. Good Luck you will never be the same again.


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I know Dr. Wilson, and he doesn't really work with backs. He Operates at Montefiore and I work in the Recovery Room. The one thing I know is that when it comes to your back, you want to find a really good surgeon. depending on how involved your nerve isd, you may need ortho or a neuro surgeon or both.

BTW Dr. Wilson is good.


cephalopod enthusiast
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You must have herniated your L4 and L5 as well for the shooting leg pain.
Not necessarily, there's a myriad things that can happen to the spine and its associated nerves that can cause leg pain. Inflamed muscles pressing on nerves can mimic the behavior of much more severe problems, and don't require very aggressive treatment.

When I had my shots in my back my DR used a cat scan to pin point where the needl was going.
It is more likely that your doctor took a sonogram to monitor where the needle was going, a CAT scan is highly impractical in this application.

you will never be the same again.
Bleak and pessimistic. Many people with back and spinal injuries are able to regain normal function after the correct treatment. It may take years, but it is certainly not impossible.


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my doctor did neither none the less.he just askede whee the pain was and shot.and 24 hours later it did nothing.went to physical therapy today and will continue that for now.will try and get back to work monday against doctors wish.he wouldnt give me a note to return so lets see if they will let me


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Not necessarily, there's a myriad things that can happen to the spine and its associated nerves that can cause leg pain. Inflamed muscles pressing on nerves can mimic the behavior of much more severe problems, and don't require very aggressive treatment.

It is more likely that your doctor took a sonogram to monitor where the needle was going, a CAT scan is highly impractical in this application.

Bleak and pessimistic. Many people with back and spinal injuries are able to regain normal function after the correct treatment. It may take years, but it is certainly not impossible.
Tentacles he said Herniated discs so that takes away what you are saying, For the past 2 years of seeing Dr.d almost daily they all say the same thing. You will only get the shooting pains from L4 and L5 being herniated none of the other discs will do this. And Duke said he had herniated discs not pinched nerves or anything else. So yes I'm gonna stick with the L4 and L5, And yes it was a Cat Scan not a sonogram monitor. The Cat scan is the big giant hula hoop at least that's what I call it) it was not a little sonogram machine, and I have the papers to prove it. And your last statement I would like to believe I will come back 90%-100%, but the sad fact is I was able to run and lift weights. I was working heavy construction swinging sledge hammers, climbing cranes and whatever else you can think of. Now I can't even lift 40lbs. So I hope I do get back to normal, one Dr. Did say it could happen, but put no time fram on it.


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Hey Man I have very similar problems bulging and herniated discs and I was seriously considering surgery after consulting with the orthos because thats basically all they do.... Then I went and did some research and realized that just about everyone who had the surgery re-injured themselves within a year and then had to have their discs fused which is a whole other story that seriously affects your mobility. So then I went back to what has always worked for me in the past and found a really good chiropractor and he started seeing me on a regular basis 3x a week then 2x and eventually once a month and after a while totally pain free with no surgery!!!
Once you go under the knife your putting your fate in someone else s hands and its a very scary risk I chose to avoid after I saw the testimonies of others who had it done.
Good Luck.

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