- Location
- Dingmans ferry PA
so my back went out again and im in real bad shape.i cant stand up for more then a few minutes before the pain goes shooting into my leg.i went to a new orthopedic because my good doctor is booked til the 28th.well i did not like him at all.he didnt even look at the xrays while i was in the office.he didnt measure the gap in between vertabrate to see how much the 3 discs are herniated.he kept trying to push pain killers on me and when i turned it down he looked at me like i had 3 heads.finally he suggested cortozone shot which i really did not want but i decided to take this one.now im not a doctor and i dont know how administering it works but all he asked me where where the pain was and i pointed with my index finger and thats where he injected the shot.now it did nothing for me except now the pain down my leg is more a numbing pain but the back is still hurting.is this how this specific shot is given.without any knowledge of where the exact nerve is.needless to say im not going back to him again and my tank is pretty much disaray and i think i lost a fish.
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