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hi guys i need some advise. im going to get a maltese puppy of 12weeks and the owner is selling me the dog with out its first shots. my ? is how many of u think that the pet smart plan they have is good or it it better to go to a vet. petsmart plan is bascially 150 entry and then 20 a month.


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I don't know much about the Petsmart plan but why would you need to pay 20 dollars a month after the shots? Call your Vet and see how much it will cost and then compare it to the Vet. I take my dogs to the Vet and not to the Petco or Petsmart beacuse they never have the same vet and the wait is horrible sometimes.


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I would talk to your vet and just make sure they will stack the shots or not charge you the normal $75-100 just for walking through the door. If you talk to them about it you will pay one basic vet visit fee which will give you an examination and the couple follow up shots. Most of the time you take the dog to your vet for a basic check when you first get the pup anyway. The shots themselves are pretty inexpensive.

I've never looked into the petco plan, but have you ever been in a petco on a sunday morning when there's 40 dogs lined up. Seems like that could be a loooooong couple hours imo.


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I would talk to your vet and just make sure they will stack the shots or not charge you the normal $75-100 just for walking through the door. If you talk to them about it you will pay one basic vet visit fee which will give you an examination and the couple follow up shots. Most of the time you take the dog to your vet for a basic check when you first get the pup anyway. The shots themselves are pretty inexpensive.

I've never looked into the petco plan, but have you ever been in a petco on a sunday morning when there's 40 dogs lined up. Seems like that could be a loooooong couple hours imo.

When I go to petco , I am in and out in 45 mins ,, much cheaper then goin to vet ,, plus when u go to petco ,, there is a licensed vet on site .


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45 miutes is pretty long, My vet is like clockwork as long as you are on time you go in right away. But also remember a Maltese will cost less as well for Vet visits. My Yorkies combined only cost maybe a third of what it costs for my Great Dane. So dog size plays a factor as well in price.


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Stacking the shots depends on the dogs and what vaccs you are getting.....By this i mean instead of getting lepto then after you finish that up getting lyme or whatever you may be getting if you can do the seris at the same time. I def made to many visits for my shots and my first vet (who isn't my vet anymore). A friend i work with just got a new pup and he was charged for one visit then just has to pay for the shots, and is only making less trips than i did.

I'm a golf course super so I got all the vaccs for my dog. I know some people choose not to do lepto lyme etc which greatly reduces the amount of visits.

45 mins at petco wouldn't be bad if its cost saving. I know the petco i go by there are people lined up outside before they open. It has to be a couple hour wait no matter what. Might be worth swinging by one of the mornings just to see how many people show up at your local store.

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