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I commissioned an amazing wood carver to design a tap handle for my brewery. I'll probably have him do another with some minor revisions (the base should be tapered a bit, and the oval should be a bit wider), but otherwise, I'm ecstatic about how well it came out!


  • lemur_tap.jpg
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Advanced Reefer
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man i love it you had it made?
working on getting a keg but the wife is fighting me :smokin:

Yep, I'm hoping to open a commercial brewery within a year, and since tap handles are the usually only marketing you have in a bar, I wanted to make sure that mine would turn some heads. Once I'm 100% happy with it, I'll have a bunch of them produced and ready to send out to bars!

Just one keg? I have 6 sixtels and I keep running out of room! I'm adding two more taps to my home bar this summer.
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Nice tap Beer, that thing is cool.

You don't need a lot of room to brew at home. I got my GF a 1 gal brew kit from Brooklynbrewshop.com for valentines day. They also sell at the brooklyn flea. The kits are pretty nice for a 1gal.


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wow i love your wife

Yeah, he'd better love his wife too. His wife (that'd be me) got him the freezer for his kegs, the plate chiller, and for Christmas, a 14.5 gallon stainless steel conical fermenter. I also drew his initial logo & will draw the new one based on this handle. I rock. :biggrin:

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