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i have to write a 3 page research paper. i want to do it on the affects aquaculturist (dont know if this is a word) have on the natural coral reefs. i need a specific topic this is were you come in to play. can you give me a few ideas?



PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I think the biggest effect is they are adding more livestock to the coral trade with their growout. This reduces demand of wild harvested coral in the LFS. You could write three pages about those effects alone.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I think the biggest effect is they are adding more livestock to the coral trade with their growout. This reduces demand of wild harvested coral in the LFS. You could write three pages about those effects alone.
+1 Less negative impact on the environment. If hobbyist keep to trading and selling corals they have grown in there aquarium it's less we have to take from the worlds reefs. If we could only create "tank bred" Yellow Tangs we would be in good shape lol.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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We do have an effect on reef environments. As do a lot of other industries.

If someone wants a red bubble tip anemone they can get one from a LFS that could have imported it from a dealer who got it from a reef originally.
There are people on forums like Manhattan Reefs that have RBTAs split in their tanks and they sell them in the marketplace section.

A lot of people in here sell, trade or give out their over growth. I do it and about half of what is in my tank right now is grown out from another reefer.


Advanced Reefer
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We do have an effect on reef environments. As do a lot of other industries.

If someone wants a red bubble tip anemone they can get one from a LFS that could have imported it from a dealer who got it from a reef originally.
There are people on forums like Manhattan Reefs that have RBTAs split in their tanks and they sell them in the marketplace section.

A lot of people in here sell, trade or give out their over growth. I do it and about half of what is in my tank right now is grown out from another reefer.

+1, But does this consider all of the reefers who actually aren't part of a forum. Because more likely then not, there are a lot of reefers out there who are just buying from the distributors (LFS). not knowing the true affects, if any. one here can maybe estimate the amount of coral and live stock we communally own, how much of the ocean do we really own? ( loving the post really gets the mind moving:splitspin)


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Im sure most people that have a reef tank are part of an online community or forum. The nature of research for coral puts you in contact with these forums. I could see someone with a FOWLR.

What would these people be doing with their corals when they get too big? They either give it away, sell it, take it back to the store or throw it away. I cant imagine they would be culturing it so successfully only to throw it out, unless its a fast growing soft coral. The only other options put it right back into the supply chain.

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