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Kings Park, NY
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Bought a used 02 Jetta 1.8T about 4 months ago with 61K on it. Paid $5k. Really liked the car. 30 MPG, goes like a spooked cat and doesn't ride half bad for a small car.... Till yesterday. After looking into it the impeller for the water pump has come loose from the tapered shaft not to mention is missing pieces. The TB was changed before I took delivery but it seems the shop the dealer used never changed the pump, just the belt and tensioner. So I am now looking at 8-10 hours in my driveway putting in a new one. PLASTIC impeller in a cars water pump? REALLY? I need to remove the motor mount, timing cover, Tb and tensioner, Intercooler pancake pipe and wheel well to change it out?

Yeah that's FINE engineering right there WTF!!

No way I'm taking it to a shop though as it runs anywhere from $500-700 for them to do it. I paid $54 for the pump with a metal impeller. Should be FUNzies !


Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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Damn man that sucks sorry your going through this but it's been well known that volks have always cost a fortune to repair and that for. Simple engine works the front end some times has to be removed , but yes that car boogies I had one as a rental when a got rear ended and I had tons of fun with it, well good luck let me know how this works out for you.


Winter. Time for Flakes..
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I've never come across one failing prior to 100k... But look at it this way... once it's done you don't need to worry about it for another 100k. Just don't forget to inspect the tb tensioner.

Welcome to Euro.


Advanced Reefer
Holmdel NJ 07733
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I saw this bumper sticker on a Jaguar but with a minor country correction you could make it apply to VWs as well. The bumper sticker said: ALL OF THE PARTS FALLING OFF THIS VEHICLE ARE OF THE FINEST BRITISH MANUFACTURE.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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I saw this bumper sticker on a Jaguar but with a minor country correction you could make it apply to VWs as well. The bumper sticker said: ALL OF THE PARTS FALLING OFF THIS VEHICLE ARE OF THE FINEST BRITISH MANUFACTURE.

This is not true at all. I am on my third VW having driven the first two well over 180,000 miles. While they are expensive to maintain I was only left stranded on the road once in all off those miles. I never had non wear & tear items break.


Advanced Reefer
Kings Park, NY
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You need to play Lotto NOW as your one of the LUCKIEST people in the world. I thought I did a decent amount of research before buying this thing but it seems I was wrong. 70% of the clips and clamps are plastic. What a POS....

This is not true at all. I am on my third VW having driven the first two well over 180,000 miles. While they are expensive to maintain I was only left stranded on the road once in all off those miles. I never had non wear & tear items break.


Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
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If you get stuck PM me, Ive done them a bunch of time. Might as well do thermostat while youre in there and new G12 as well. My timing belt broke at 64k on my A4, was not a cheap fix! And the only American car Id buy would be a truck. And even Nissan makes more cars here than the "American" manufacturers do. Hondas also.


Senior Member
flushing queens
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well u can go to any VW dealer for parts and u can take that PLASTIC impeller water and sell it back to them for 70 since when u order a new one from the dealer all is it is they rebuild it


Advanced Reefer
Kings Park, NY
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While taking the dam thing apart I also found the lower aluminum TB cover was cracked so I am waiting on the Stealer to get me that. New water pump with metal impeller, TB and tensioner have all been installed. I will tell you that this is not going to be parked in my driveway for very long after this Lol.

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