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Master Member...
Clifton, NJ
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Hello everyone....This was my first year with a pond. All the fish are doing great(didnt know if they would make it but they did). My question is when is a good time to start the pond back up with my filtration system? I use a spill way and a uv light. But im not sure when is the right time to restart everything again. I could be jumping the gun...so any thoughts would help.

Thanks, Danny


Barnum Island
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Hello everyone....This was my first year with a pond. All the fish are doing great(didnt know if they would make it but they did). My question is when is a good time to start the pond back up with my filtration system? I use a spill way and a uv light. But im not sure when is the right time to restart everything again. I could be jumping the gun...so any thoughts would help.

Thanks, Danny

Hey Danny - have any pics? :)

It is amazing how the fish manage to get through the winter with no food!

I usually wait until it is a little warmer to start up the filter since it is still so cold at night, maybe mid to late March depending on the temps.
Do NOT start to feed until the water is consistently above 45 -50 degrees though.

The UV should wait until late April/May IMO as first you need to establish the extra bacteria the pond will need to process the fishes waste.


Addicted to coral
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Hey Danny - have any pics? :)

It is amazing how the fish manage to get through the winter with no food!

I usually wait until it is a little warmer to start up the filter since it is still so cold at night, maybe mid to late March depending on the temps.
Do NOT start to feed until the water is consistently above 45 -50 degrees though.

The UV should wait until late April/May IMO as first you need to establish the extra bacteria the pond will need to process the fishes waste.

+1, water in my pond is in the high 30's and I still think spring is not close


Barnum Island
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Chris ...I usually start my filter up a little earlier as the water only supports a small amount of bacteria over the winter. (compared to the onslaught in the Spring/Summer..lol)
My stream of thought is if I start the filter while there is so little bacteria, I stand a better chance of not putting the pond through even a mild cycle as there isn't enough bacteria to do any harm.
I figure it gives the pond & filter (which has about a bazillion bio-balls in it) a chance to mature (bacteria-wise) at the same controlled rate as the pond as the water warms.
Also starting the filter prior to beginning feeding guarantees the bacterial count is at its lowest point :)
BTW- I use no bacterial additives to start the pond back up


Master Member...
Clifton, NJ
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Thank you all for the replys..Ill have to take some quick pics of it now. Its a pre formed 260G with a 65g (or 90g) spill way. I have lots of fish in it....more then i should. But they are all healty and they lived past this winter at least. Most are Koi and about 4 Comets.


Master Member...
Clifton, NJ
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Here are a few pics from last summer when i set it up:




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Barnum Island
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Very nice Danny!
Any sort of bubbler in there to aid in oxygen exchange over the winter or did you turn it off for the pic?

I should have mentioned this earlier, but you might like to put the pics and start a Pond Thread in our Freshwater Forum - there is a tab for the Forum down this page by the Photography & Tank Thread Forums :)

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