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I went to an LFS in NYC today and I will not mention the name of it. But today was something I have never experienced anywhere before ever in my life. I was the only one in the LFS and I asked about an Acan for sale. The slaesperson said it is 25.00 but I'm not sure, can you wait 2 minutes so I can get the other salesperson. I said OK no problem. In walks another customer and he goes directly to the tank with the Acan, at this point I have moved 10 feet or so away looking at other stuff and waiting for the other salesperson. He comes out goes to the guy in front of the tank with the Acan and the guy asks how much for the Acan? The salespwerson says 25.00. So naturally I go over to see which one and it is the one I asked about. The guy says I will take it. I said hey I was here first and I already asked about it and he was supposed to come out and give me a price. The salesperson says well he asked first, I said get the other guy he will tell you I asked already. Out comes the other salesperson and to my amazement goes to me what are you talking about? You never asked about any corals. I was pissed and this is the 2nd run in I had at this LFS which has now lost all of business.


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you should just be an )*&^*(^*&^ and ask the manager for the store business card and merchant id and file a complaint muahahahhaahha
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MR's Greatest Member
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Really vendor or not if it was me i would plaster the name all over this site
I'm not gonna do that, I will just spend my money elsewhere. The Acan was not the only thing I had on my list, I was ready to spend about 300 bucks but instead went home and just figured I will go to a few NJ LFS that I know carry nice stuff and they don't play games. I need to pick up some other stuff besides corals anyways.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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paying to be a vendor doesnt give passage for bad service reguardless. but i also understand being part of the community not wanting to just bash them out right. plz pm me the name ;)


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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look at jon, what he did the podcast on that LED fixture. the company pretty much gave him a LED fixture and was all nice to him, and i think a vendor possible here. jon was honest, and said it the nicest way possible that he hated it...lol


Advanced Reefer
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You should have mentioned you're from Manhattan Reefs. Maybe they would have treated you better hehe

but yeah that kind of crap has never happened to me before but that can't feel good. sorry to hear that.
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