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I'm looking for a video editing software that won't break the bank to make a semi-professional-looking short movie on my laptop (2.4ghz, windows xp sp3, 4gb ram). I don't own a Mac, so Final Cut is not an option. Adobe is WAY TOO expensive. Are their any robust and stable video editing softwares for the PC?

So far, I've been looking at "Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10 Suite" and
"PowerDirector 9 Ultra - 64" Your suggestions and comments are appreciated. Thanks.

johnny roastbeef

Advanced Reefer
Commack, NY
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Get Adobe Premiere Elements, its only around $90 and if you own any children, you can get it for even less from academicsuperstore.com. Vegas works, but it cumbersome and has a much smaller user base. At least with Adobe, there are a million people using it, so you can easily Google answers when you have questions.


cephalopod enthusiast
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I know you said final cut was not an option, but I don't know if you're just talking about FC Pro. You should look into Final Cut Express. I don't know how much it is, but I know it's significantly cheaper.

Also, maybe go to Best Buy or somewhere and see what kind of software comes with the little pocket video cameras- I'm sure it's something basic.

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