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nyc reefer

Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I got tired of paying every month for "DVR" service from Time Warner, and am interested in buying a Tivo Box. But before buying one I am curious if anyone here has expierience with one, I noticed they also require a monthly service fee. Is there a way to use it to record shows w/o paying for the service. I usually record from channel 2,4,5,7, and TNT. Are the earlier boxes unlocked or do they also require a monthly service fee? I was looking on Amazon and people are selling used Series 1 & 2 boxes.
If there is no way around the service fee then I'll go back to Time Warners DVR.

Let me know, Thanks


Long Island
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I still have my old Tivo series 1 and love it, prefer it over the cable DVR. The last I knew Tivo offered a lifetime service package, pay once and as long as you own the recorder it's good. I know there are models on eBay that have the lifetime service already included so you may want to look there as well.


Senior Member
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I have a Tivo HD that i'm currently using. Here's the low down:
-you have to pay for the tivo equipment (see if Tivo.com has any specials)
-Tivo requires a monthly fee/ or you can buy a life time service for the unit ($399). If you get a tivo, i would suggest getting the life time service, because 1 year is $100+.
-Also need to pay for cable TV service, with the rental for decoder cards.

All in all it's money up front, to get the equipment. You can upgrade it, and mod. if you like.

The features on it is pretty good, you can get netflix, amazon, youtube and bunch of other stuff. The only thing you will loose is On Demand function.

hope that helps.

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