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man i figure ill share my other hobby been doing this for 7 years




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you guys are ****** crazy.... not any things freak me out but snakes FREAK me out big time.

I was BBQ'in 2 summers ago, walking back into my garage and bam i stepped on something, i thought it was my dog who left a doo doo butter land mine, looked down and low and behold it was a gardener snake, ive never been so freaked out on my LIFE
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you guys are ****** crazy.... not any things freak me out but snakes FREAK me out big time.

I was BBQ'in 2 summers ago, walking back into my garage and bam i stepped on something, i thought it was my dog who left a doo doo butter land mine, looked down and low and behold it was a gardener snake, ive never been so freaked out on my LIFE
There not that bad lol yeah I like

Reptiles and fish my bffs
sent from my HTC EVO

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