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Rice Planter
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Boating World Magazine Run Across the Gulf - Apr 21, 2011



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That is a huge mark up. I would boycott that place.
It depends, if the place has to get it barged out, it might not be that crazy of a markup, if it can get it trucked in, its a immense markup. Plus these guys gota work on good markup, its a very seasonal low volume business. If hes directly on the water and has to get it barged out, that guys paying crazy delivery fee's, first it has to be trucked from the terminal, then the truck has to meet a barge somewhere, then it has to be barged to his station.

and boycott a place because they are trying to make money? your ridiculous, i highly doubt you boycott other business that make a killing off there customers. Your choice of words is incorrect, you have the right not to go there... but a boycott?


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My wifes uncle just purchased a 139' monster, we only have two Yamaha FZR wave runners ourselves but I have a wonder that we will be spending some time on this Boat :)

my nasia... im going to pick one of those up soon hopefully, I was just at the dealer and my boy setup a deal for me.

yamaha or nothing when it comes to skis, they invented the game and they are the best.

I got 330 ROUGH hours on my 04 high output, and she still runs like a sewing machine. The things ive put my ski through are HORRENDOUS. Time in and time out it never lets me down, all I do is my preventative maintenance, and fresh water flushout after every ride.

My boy who ive been jetskiin with my whole life (weve done everything possible on jetskis and mostly dumb) has 97 gp760's with 500 hours on it, and we beat the living **** out of them and they are still runnin strong. I cant say that about my friends with seadoo's though
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It depends, if the place has to get it barged out, it might not be that crazy of a markup, if it can get it trucked in, its a immense markup. Plus these guys gota work on good markup, its a very seasonal low volume business. If hes directly on the water and has to get it barged out, that guys paying crazy delivery fee's, first it has to be trucked from the terminal, then the truck has to meet a barge somewhere, then it has to be barged to his station.

and boycott a place because they are trying to make money? your ridiculous, i highly doubt you boycott other business that make a killing off there customers. Your choice of words is incorrect, you have the right not to go there... but a boycott?

Take it easy. I was being sarcastic, but I hope there are not too many people willing to pay for fuel with such a large surcharge.
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You really have no option, other than lugging gas containers to your boat. It's pay to play, you wana boat. Your gona pay a premium for gas. Have you ever not went to a bar because the beer is $6 when you could of gotten it from the bd for $1? Same concept.

Paul B

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My boat went in the water yesterday so I went to the marina on this beautiful day to make sure it was tied up correctly (it was not) and I had to plug it in to charge the batteries but to my surprise both engines started right up. I put water in the tank and flushed out the antifreeze and the only thing that does not run is the air conditioner. I am sure it just needs freon so that is the next thing I will do.
So, so far it is a good start, usually many more things don't work at the start of the season. Oh, my dock box is toast but that usually happens over the winter.


Barnum Island
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I am finally in as of this past Saturday..yipee. :spin:

I see a lot of boats are not in the water yet and I've heard of a few folks that I know who aren't going to put theirs in due to the gas prices (getting better, fingers crossed!), or they plan to limit their cruising this season. Others just haven't been able to get theirs ready yet due to the first cold and then rainy weather...

So far the downside is all of the dead marsh grass and crap that has washed off the marshes due to the crazy high tides from the recent storm that brought us all of that rain last week, it is floating around like huge islands in the channels down near me and stuck all over the docks and in the boat slips.
It's a shame as the water is beautifully clear..where you can see it! lol

Like last year I have already seen a jelly fish (a good 6" across). Oddly we saw them in the beginning of the season last year and then they didn't turn up again until very late in the season...hoping that happens again this year.

Paul B

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We also have a marina full of jellyfish but the water is to cold to swim anyway and the jellyfish can't yet get up on the boat so they don't bother me.
We went iout to dinner last week in New Rochelle in a place with a dock where we go every weekend, of course, like a lot of places, they were out of business so we went to City Island. Going there again now.
But it is windy.

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