Forget the iPhone for verizon. They will just keep pushing it back forever. I have an incredible, and thinking about switching to the thunderbolt once that comes out. Android is much much better. I'm on my iPad right now, and if I ever had the iPhone, I'd hate it. The marketplace for apple is stupid expensive. There are really NO good apps that are free. Everything is so expensive. I hate it. My incredible has a bunch of apps and all of them are awesome, and I paid for only a few, reefs being the main one. Even simple games are usually 5-6 bucks on the apple marketplace. You can get the cool hd games on your android for either FREE or .99 cents. I use my iPad only for Internet use. And that sucks too because of no flash program. Honestly, why get a iPhone that is so limited to abilities. No customization, no widgets, no changing colors, themes, fonts, anything. iPhone came out years ago and you know what, maybe it's time for a new iPhone, but not called an iPhone. Apple needs to step it's game up with a new phone. Not another iPhone. Start getting creative. I hate the fact that you need to click and go into an app just to see the weather, or anything like that. Android, you turn the phone on and oh look! Tempature, current weather, a nice 3d action showing your whole phone for a few seconds looking like its snowing or sunny. How about a notification bar? I wish wish WISH my iPad had that. So i can at any time flick my finger down and see how just sent me a message, email, what song is playing in the background, whats currently running on my device, ANYTHING. Not have to close my current program, go into my messages or music or whatever, read it, then close that program, find my app I was using and continue after being disrupted and waist time. I love how android just came in and just distroys apple with all their creativity. Android makes a phone fun. Apple is pure business, which ok some people do like, and good for certain people, but for personal use... Android is on top. You want a REAL cool and creative new phone, read up one the new HTC thunderbolt. That phone looks amazing. Android has came out with what like 50+ phones now so you can find the right one for has what, they are up to the iPhone 4 now? Which is the same phone just slightly tweaked and upgraded....hmmmm