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Hi all -

I just wanted to let you know why I've been gone all semester -
I started school again, and life has been crazy-wonderful-busy,
emphasis on busy. Last semester I took 27 credits including a few
musical instruments, with hours of practice time required every week....

The great news is that I'm loving Cantorial school, and I had a great

The really sad news is that my sweet cat,
Pasha, died December 31. She was 13. She was a gentle, beautiful
and affectionate cat. She will be missed.

I've missed MR, and I'm hoping I will be around more this semester -



Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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Good to hear from you again Daisy, as always. Very sorry to hear about your cat. My condolences. School is more important as my dad always said. Hope all is well.



Advanced Reefer
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Tahl, good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your cat--- hope there's a heaven for our pets.

Best wishes on your academic endeavors!


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Tahl :hug:

Sorry about Pasha. How are the kids doing with the loss? I hope they are ok.


Advanced Reefer
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Thanks for the condolences.

The girls were bereft at the vet's office, but they were troopers. We keep talking about her, and it helps. It's hard, though, to remember that we no longer have "cats," but only one cat. We keep calling "Pasha, Lexi!" to get them to come eat and stuff like that... Then we look at each other and tear up. It's hard. But every day it's easier to think of her without crying. But they have both told me they'll never ever forget her, and I know that's true.

We'll probably adopt an adult cat in the late spring. We've agreed that none of us wants a kitten right now. Life is just too busy.

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