Ill give you the honest answer that most are unaware off. Grey Goose is a very average product with an extrordinary amount of marketing dollars behind it. Even the rating it received was up for "discussion" of fowl play. Without getting into specifics...lets just say Grey Goose is a brilliantly marketed average product. Belvedere is a better product hands down. Now with that said Vodka may be the most underwhelming spirit ever produced. It is an orderless and "generally" flavorless product that was designed to be mixed with everything under the sun. After the initial burn of Vodka see if you can discern the mild hints of the flavor profile that the 50 styles of vodka are trying to pass off. Then line 5 of them up and see if you can tell the diference. I bet you cannot name any of them correctly. No worries it is still the number one distilled product in the World. If you are looking for a better Vodka product all you Vodka officianatos should try the Stoli Elite which is only offered in a 750ml package. A very nice ordeless mild product...that is after the After your done with that lets talk Scotch.
Happy Drinking,
FYI- Sorry for the rambling