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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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is there any information on how this happened? custom made incorrectly? something fall and hit it? i mean it looks like that glass was an inch think and cracked? its things like this that really make you think what if on our own tanks ya know. that sucks.
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Looks like it was acrylic. Most big tanks like that aren't glass, the weight of glass and acrylic at that size is substantially different and it's just easier to manufacture and ship acrylic. Plus if that was glass it probably wouldn't have broken like that. Glass at that thickness literally explodes when stressed to the point of fracture. I know because I once had to help clean up a 500 gal with 3/4 glass that blew out (it wasn't installed properly). It took a windshield cracker and a sledge hammer to break up the rest of it for removal. It was a private home but they had security footage of the hallway and 500 gal rushing down the hall looked like something out of a movie.


Addicted to coral
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Looks like it was acrylic. Most big tanks like that aren't glass, the weight of glass and acrylic at that size is substantially different and it's just easier to manufacture and ship acrylic. Plus if that was glass it probably wouldn't have broken like that. Glass at that thickness literally explodes when stressed to the point of fracture. I know because I once had to help clean up a 500 gal with 3/4 glass that blew out (it wasn't installed properly). It took a windshield cracker and a sledge hammer to break up the rest of it for removal. It was a private home but they had security footage of the hallway and 500 gal rushing down the hall looked like something out of a movie.

wow that suck if it was my home, my wife would make me hang up the jersey if that happen to me,lol
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she did. She was scared it could have happened when the kids were in the room and they never got another tank. I won't say who installed it and gave the OK but it was installed directly on the floor and when the beams swelled with water during a rainy summer it was enough to stress the tank. Otherwise, it never would have happened.

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