LED's are great no bulbs to replace very durable. They cost a little more I threw most of my traditional bulbs out and went LED I paid double for the LED's but have not had to replace a string yet and im 2 seasons into it already and FYI traditional bulbs $300 electric bill VS LED $215 im sticking with led. led's available in 2 colors warm white and cool white. pictures below picture #1 incadescent bulbs and #2 LED's in warm white old school bulbs were like a part time job everytime the wind blew you would lose a section leds stay lit even when a bulb falls out. I bought them at lowes I think they were GE brand open the box and dig out the going green and saving energy COUPON ( It varies some bulbs 10% off some 25% off )from inside the box before you pay for them. top picture has over 19,000 bulbs and the lower only has 2,200 bulbs and notice how much brighter the house is using less power and with both types of lights the house can be seen 1.5 miles away from the Ski Resort so I have been told lol.