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hey i was just wondering where i might be able to get a job working with tanks? i've tried various pet stores and they want experience which as a hobbiest i only have experience at home, if anyone out there can take on a rookie and put me to work i'd love it i have a pretty extensive construction backround but a car accident trashed my vehicle and i've been out of work since august i'd love to get into doing this even if it is less money. any help would be great! I have had experience with some smaller reef tanks with some sucess i can clean them take care of equip etc.. thanks


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Very few places will hire you without experience, the job market is extremely hard right now and I'm sure I don't have to tell you. My best advise is try to find a reputable LFS in your area and hangout there! Soak up as much info as you can and try to build relationships with the owner and other employees. Also read and research as much as you can on the trade, you have to market yourself and show that you would be a good investment. Good Luck!


Advanced Reefer
South Salem
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Thats exactly the way I got my job at absolutly fish in jersey. Just hung out there till they said we might as well just give you a job hahaha. That was a long time ago when their staff was much different.


Advanced Reefer
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not too many stores are hiring right now, a lot of the stores are struggling to pay bills. Experience in the reef hobby at home is usually good enough for retail stores., most of the people working in stores now a days don't even have a tank at home or any experience.


Experienced Reefer
East Islip
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I kinda almost feel dirty suggesting this, but have you tried the chain stores such as Petco or Petland? They may not be the best at the fish side of things, but it can at least get you something to put in a resume and help you get into better places for what you're looking to do. Not to mention they are likely going to be hiring right now for the holiday season.

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most of the places you would want to get into don't look at petco or petland experience as real experience. That's just from my own experience looking at new hires and how others treat them, from those places. Your best bet is to read up and learn as much as you can because if they start asking you questions you should know more than just the basics and you won't learn that at a petco.

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