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Long Island
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I don't remember Solo doin a whole lot of fancy flying. Lando was the one who went into the Death Star. Solo never did a whole lot in the movies (piloting that is). And Anakin did land a burning pile of ship in ep3. However much I hated the whiney brat, I'd have to say Anakin was probably the better pilot.

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I don't remember Solo doin a whole lot of fancy flying. Lando was the one who went into the Death Star. Solo never did a whole lot in the movies (piloting that is). And Anakin did land a burning pile of ship in ep3. However much I hated the whiney brat, I'd have to say Anakin was probably the better pilot.

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The star wars universe is much more than the movies. There are quite a few books as well. I have read most of them and solo is a better pilot. Anikin was good but he did have the force to rely on for help. Solo did it all on his own.
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Damn you Widdy, you beat me to it LOL. I was going to say that! Also, Solo had better candor while Ani was just annoying, especially when he grew up. I remember when he got out of the lava in 3, thinking, "someone just push him back in." even though it negates 4-6.
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Damn you Widdy, you beat me to it LOL. I was going to say that! Also, Solo had better candor while Ani was just annoying, especially when he grew up. I remember when he got out of the lava in 3, thinking, "someone just push him back in." even though it negates 4-6.

LOL... I think it's the same hatred you and I share for Hayden Christensen, not Anakin. Jeez, did he botch that up...

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