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A LFS opened up down the road from me not to long ago. I visited the place a few times but I never bought anything there. For one the owner was not friendly at all. Then came the way they picked out YOUR fish for you. They kept all of the same species in one tank, so it would be 30 yellow tangs in one tank and another tank full of clowns( the clown species were mixed though) a tank full of hippos ETC. Well the problem with this was if you saw a fish you liked that was fat and healthy and eating they didn't care. They would say you want a yellow tang and just scoop one up, no matter if it was the one you were looking at or not. Then they would say I'm not gonna chase down the one you want when they are all the same. A pair of matching clowns forget it. It was another random scoop if you got 2 of the same species you were lucky. Then the price 75 bucks for a yellow tang? Flame angels for 120? Wow, no wonder the LFS lasted for under 3 months.


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new jersey
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Yea that's crazy I was down at aquatic obsessions today and picked up a beautiful potters angel he had 2but in different tanks great frags picked up his last rainbow monti n my pal pauliewalnuts went crazy buying colonies all in all a great experience that's a true lfs


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Higher prices yes at Absolutely but great fish and ones I can't get down here in South Jersey. I sometimes drive the 115 miles to go there. And they're healthy and good customer service also.
They do have alot of healthy fish but they are also good at removing any dead or dying fish right away. they buy their fish from a Wholesaler in Michigan or Wisconson, Can't remember which one. But I also know the Wholesaler does a QT process on the fish it sells. Which equals more money as well.


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That's good that they remove dead and dying fish right away. I won't buy a fish from a tank that has a sick or dead fish in it. It remineds me of Petco or Petsmart. There's only ONE LFS near me. I'm near Atlantic City. He gets the fish he believes the masses will buy and won't get anything different or rare in. I have to travel at least 50 miles for a more decent selection. You guys in Northen Jersey are luckier then we are down here.


MR's Greatest Member
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That's good that they remove dead and dying fish right away. I won't buy a fish from a tank that has a sick or dead fish in it. It remineds me of Petco or Petsmart. There's only ONE LFS near me. I'm near Atlantic City. He gets the fish he believes the masses will buy and won't get anything different or rare in. I have to travel at least 50 miles for a more decent selection. You guys in Northen Jersey are luckier then we are down here.
What about Hidden Reef and Fish factory? Aren't they close?
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