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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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Anyone Here Have Need For Speed Hot Pursuit On 360 That Just Came Out Tuesday? Mosh706, KVH252 And Myself Been Playing It Every Night. Its Amazing. If You Want To Play With Us Online, Let Me Know, We Can Get A Big Cop Vs. Racer Hot Pursuit Game Going Or Something!


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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that did not bother me just because the double story mode is so far amazing. being a cop, or racer is so much fun. your racer gets weapons, and so does the cop. the racer gets EMP, jammers, spike strip, and turbo. the cop gets EMP, road block, heli, and spike strip. and you can upgrade all of them. like my car right now throws 2-3 spike strips in one shot. my EMP locks on and blows the other car up within seconds, ect... and the cars are awesome. i love it. you have to remember though, this is not a classic NFS game, its very simmilar, but made by the people who created burnout. in my opinion, its a great game, i love it. one of the best racing games of the year. to me its a tie so far between forza 3 and NFS. so far i think NFS is in the lead, only other racing game that may beat that in a few months is test drive unlimited 2.

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