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Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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I currently own a 360... but I'm getting sick and tired of paying for Xbox Live. Especially cause I don't play on it all the time.. I just like having the option available.

I know PS3's PS Network or w/e its called is free.

I hear it kind of sucks...

Would just like to hear what some have to say..

Would especially be nice if you also crossed over from 360 to PS3..
or own both..


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Own both. I'm on PSN purely because friends and family are on PSN. For me, I like to play with people I know, so being on the same network is a must. Xbox Live while it is a paying service, I think the content is better, and organized. Otherwise PSN is free, hit up the PSN store for demos/DLC or goofy $5-$10 games. There is also Playstation Plus, some premier service that they threw out there...

Also, by X360s are banned, so that pretty much decided my fate. :lol2:


Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Yeah I was looking into mods for PS3. Dk much about it yet, but there seems to be a USB dongle that pretty much does all the work for you.

Not to mention looked safe in terms of PSN banning.

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Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Own both. I'm on PSN purely because friends and family are on PSN. For me, I like to play with people I know, so being on the same network is a must. Xbox Live while it is a paying service, I think the content is better, and organized. Otherwise PSN is free, hit up the PSN store for demos/DLC or goofy $5-$10 games. There is also Playstation Plus, some premier service that they threw out there...

Also, by X360s are banned, so that pretty much decided my fate. :lol2:

Same thing with my family/friends.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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PS3 JB is available...fairly straightforward mod, nothing instrusive. I heard, haven't tried myself, it's now downgradable from 3.50. Also PSN also works, not sure if I'm ballsy to try it yet. I have a separate unit just for PS3JB purposes.
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ps3 by far. i have all the systems. and even though i pay a little more then the 360, i see it as a 1 time cost of not having to pay an additional fee on top of my internet service provider. which is the way it should be. i pay $40 for that then $50 a year? forget that. also it is the best blue ray player on the market and can surf the net. so much more for your money. can stream things and its now 3d capable. yes psn isnt as good as live but its decent enough. and friends are on the ps3 as well. a better buy for sure.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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i own both. im not even kidding you, i dont care about anyone else opinion or if they say im wrong or not, but i flat out hate ps3. the only reason i got a ps3 was about 2-3 years ago i was at game stop with my girlfriend and it was my birthday, and she said do you want ps3, and i was like no. but she though i was saying no because i did not want her to spend the 500 bucks or whatever it was cause it was the real big harddrive or whatever at the time. i kept saying no, but she ended up getting it. last time my ps3 was turned on was about 2 years ago. no joke, my ps is pretty much brand new sitting at my house. i played a few games, little big planet, saints row, and some other shooting game. i was NEVER able to get online. it pissed me off so much. when you put the game in, and it did that downloading screen for some games, it NEVER did it. it froze. my wireless router was about 5 feet from the ps3. i got so pissed. 360 was just so much more fun. the internet connection was ten times better imo, and all my friends have 360. almost all games for ps3 are on 360 except a few. so all i play is 360. my pore ps3 has been played about 4-5 total times. i really should just sell it seeing its still even have the plastic sticky peices your supost to take off on it because thats how rarely i play it. id honestly ratehr pay for 360, then play ps3. and i just got that deal 360 had, like 92 bucks for 2 year membership after my current is over, which ends in may, im set for pretty much 3 years now for it!

im all 360.

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