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i agree w/ jaa again the lincolns are sick. There definitely is a lot of better options out there especially for that money. 700 a month is insane my cousin was paying something like that when he had his acura rl and that's def more expensive than a x5. No offense but 0 down and you are going for a bmw? Maybe you should check out a hyundai or something man they are actually making them really friggin nice. My cousin just got one i think it was the genesis. Don't get deep into a hole if ya don't need to. Just lookin out. Gl man let us know what you decide.



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I personally think the X5 is a great truck. I have a fully loaded 2010 X5. I test drove the Acura's and I was not impressed at all. Wont go anywhere near a Benz.

I got my lease for 3 years, no money down and 12k miles a year for less than 800/month. If you want a good BMW dealer, my buddy works at Park Ave BMW in NJ..... i'd stay away from Manhattan BMW, when i went to buy a car there they refused to move from MSRP.

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