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hahah i saw this the other day and was like sweet i want one!!! jk im +2 on the laser tho!


Advanced Reefer
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Glad you guys like it, wish I could have been the one filming it but Ill settle for being the one to possibly lighten someones day if it wasnt goin so great by posting it here.

Glad it made ya smile Randy- did the same when I saw it. Was up on the watch at work at 4 am and came across it, made that 3 minutes pass a little bit quicker.

And yes, a laser would be pretty sick on that little guy lol!!!


Barnum Island
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Awww..that was so sweet!
No follow up to this on that site Jimmy? I'd love to know what eventually happened, I'd bet he set it free..he seemed to be teaching it how to forage on it's own when outdoors. Nice.


Advanced Reefer
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Not that I see kathy i just found it last night though so there may be I know Ill be lookin for updates on that and other sites

Yeah it seemed like he was getting him ready to be reintroduced into the wild. Although even if he does or did I bet that hes got a resident of his property for the life of the little guy.

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