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So with black ops around the corner and MoH already out, has anyone played it and what do you think? From what I am reading it sounds like a combination of Bad Company 2 and CoD, which could be cool but from the reviews I have read it sounds like it might not be worth it. Just looking for some personal experience with the game and what you think.


MR's Greatest Member
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Everyone I know that bought it or rented it has not played it after a few days. They all say the online game sucks. And the regular game is about an hours worth of play.
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The online is done by the same company that did bad company 2 so I'd imagine it's more expansive than CoD fans are used to. I personally like more open realistic combat where you have to be smarter and more cautious instead of the "run and gun" of CoD. Not that CoD isn't fun but it gets old after you've maxed your level and unlocked everything and done most of the challenges. Plus, I do likes me my vehicles lol. I hope they bring back TV guided missiles in battlefield 3.

Are you guys on consoles or PC?
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I might eventually get black ops too but I folded and got MoH the other day. It's pretty sick. Singleplayer is great and the online is way better than MW2 unless you get a server full of hackers, than it's just no fun spawning and getting shot in the head instantly. It's like if MW2 and BC2 got it on and had a baby and most of the good parts made it through. I like defensive and offensive options for each kill streak too.


Advanced Reefer
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I thought of getting it but asked a co-worker who had bought it and when he gave me a 2 second hesatation I said forget it you took to long... LoL But he said its not a bad game but it aint COD... To the defense MOH he said he liked the online play and that the maps are huge


Old School Reefer
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All you COD fan boys:tongue1:.Good to try different games.Played all the COD from the beginning when we were popping Germans and granted all of the COD are Iconic but MOH was a Armed forces endorsed game as well.Nothing sucks about MOH except dying easily but realistic.
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lol maps aren't huge. If you want huge maps play Bad Company 2 and even then they aren't that huge compared to previous battlefields and their mods (that literally cover square kilometers on a grid map. They are bigger than CoD which is why, I think, a lot of the CoD fans aren't MoH fans. Also, you can't sprint and knife at range with perks :(... buts that's one of the reasons why I like it, MoH forces strategy.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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i like MOH better then COD. personally i think MOH is a little fast paced, but besides that, COD is cool and all, just not for me. no cover, all the assult weapons seem the same, and playing online just gets boring because your usually alive for only a minute or so. there are people just sitting and hiding sniping you. i get too annoyed with it and always put R6V2 back on because that game was still to me hands down the best shooter still out there. i admit the graphics are nothing like COD or MOH, but that dont bother me, the game is 2 years+ old! what do you expect. R6V2 was coming out with a R6V3 but for some reason they stopped.

personally if there is any game im waiting for, its tom clancy ghost recon:future soldier. that game looks amazing!


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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I agree on the Rainbow 6 series. Best shooter IMO.

Ghost Recon not so much. I get bored with that much "stealth"

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