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I am expecting ipad to go on sale this Thanks Giving shopping period and possibly getting it.

I saw them in action during MACNA with Reefmagine on them. I love them. They are just like paper prints from almost any angle I approach the table. What else you guys like or hate? How's the battery life and what about PC users who are so used to the PC type of apps .....?

Also if you guys know which store has a sale on the 17-200mm VR II nikon during those time, let me know too.

many thanks.
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Since both systems are app based, and the apple apps are much much better than the android ones, i would push for the ipad. I was extremely disappointed with what was available for the android app wise, both content and quality which was another reason I switched from android to iphone.

Its not a laptop Wingo. Its limited for what you can do with it. If all your looking to do is look at websites, use the apps in the app store, and do simple picture editing stuff its great. If you want it to be more useful than that go get a slim laptop.
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Since both systems are app based, and the apple apps are much much better than the android ones, i would push for the ipad. I was extremely disappointed with what was available for the android app wise, both content and quality which was another reason I switched from android to iphone.

Its not a laptop Wingo. Its limited for what you can do with it. If all your looking to do is look at websites, use the apps in the app store, and do simple picture editing stuff its great. If you want it to be more useful than that go get a slim laptop.

It's more for showing products and/or taking contacts in trade shows. So the picture quality is primary concern as most of my works are color intensive and low light conditions. So the display have to be very robust to show videos and still pic.

Oh, it could be used to show clients how to navigate my website and press "ADD TO CART" button. LOL.

No intention to use it as a full laptop. I already got a huge one last month.
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Please keep in mind, if you're using the handheld primarily for web usage, the iPad does NOT support Flash. This is a huge inconvenience if you're reliant on it to show you websites properly; especially in a business setting. I installed Frash on my iPad, and even then, it's still hit or miss with Flash sites.

Steve Jobs: Will the real HTLML5 please stand up? :sleeping:
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Please keep in mind, if you're using the handheld primarily for web usage, the iPad does NOT support Flash. This is a huge inconvenience if you're reliant on it to show you websites properly; especially in a business setting. I installed Frash on my iPad, and even then, it's still hit or miss with Flash sites.

Steve Jobs: Will the real HTLML5 please stand up? :sleeping:
Hmm that really SOOKS, I watch a lot of adult materials too:shhh:. J/K


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Queens, New York
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Please keep in mind, if you're using the handheld primarily for web usage, the iPad does NOT support Flash. This is a huge inconvenience if you're reliant on it to show you websites properly; especially in a business setting. I installed Frash on my iPad, and even then, it's still hit or miss with Flash sites.

Steve Jobs: Will the real HTLML5 please stand up? :sleeping:

Jailbreaking takes care of that. ;-)


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Queens, New York
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Flash. Rather... it will take care of it very soon.

Theres a few devs working on flash extensions/standalone apps already.

For me.. its not a big deal personally.

For some it may be.. but its not like there are really many flash sites.

And until they change the way flash works... it won't really be something worth using on a phone EVEN if it has a 1ghz+ processor.

(For those who may not know, the way flash format is written - it utilizes a computer's graphics card, rather than pulling more from the CPU.. thats why when you use a netbook which normally comes with an integrated IntelGMA _____ , flash does not run well at all. In most cases unusable.)


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To each their own I guess. Flash sites are fine on my Droid X; which incidentally is tethering my iPad (non 3G)/iTouch. I was just suggesting that if Wingo is conducting his business that might need Flash support, he might experience a bit of hindrance as the iPad doesn't support Flash at it's current state. What might the future brings, time will tell. I hope to see native Flash support on the iPad; word has it Jobs might suck it up afterall :lol2:


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Queens, New York
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Haha. I hope so. I wouldn't mind having native support.

I went from the Droid Incredible (rooted and all) to the iPhone 4 and after 2 weeks of having it I jailbreaked. And haven't looked back. lol

I definitely miss some android features... but after all the annoyances of my Incredible and more specifically battery life issues.. I couldn't be happier with the iPhone.

Now enough of me hijacking this thread.

Now Wingo.. what my advice is...

WAIT a little bit!


There is a SLEW of Android tablets that are popping onto the market left and right.

I haven't seen any real good ones yet, but they'll be out soon.. and there is bound to be one that can run along the iPad and may even be better, and almost 1/2 the price.

Android OS still has a good amount of work that needs to be put in to clean it up.

But if it can.. it will (and basically currently is the top contender to iOS).

I think the key things that many should look for in a portable device..

-Battery life (this is #1.. its a portable device.. what good is it if you have to be constantly positioning your self by an outlet some where.

-Ease of use

-Portability (maybe higher on the priority list to some people.. but majority of the tablets already out for Android seem to compete with the iPad decently in terms of size)

Theres other factors.. I guess.. but I think those are the main ones.

These apps.. are apps.

I don't know what PC software you normally use.. but so far I don't think there is any apps such as

MS Word or Office Suite
Adobe Photoshop and other creative suites

And I dont think they will ever be out for tablets that aren't TRULY computer based (in terms of actually running Windows 7 or OS X)

And in all honesty... the best "portable" device I've bought besides my iPhone 4 is my MacBook Pro.

The battery life is INSANE. Just word processing... of course keeping brightness low, is can get 11 hours.

Majority of the PC based programs I need are already avialbe in a Mac format.. and if anything else you can use Parallels.

Or VMWare Fusion (which allows you to use your Windows desktop WITHIN the MacOS).

It is a bit slow now, but I've read that they are making improvements on the software which will make it run a lot smoother.

Anyway.. I'm done writing my thesis on mac products.

(I was and still kind of am an avid Win7 user anyway... but thats just cause I didn't invest enough into my MacBook to make it my StarCraft 2 machine, even though it does run it quite well on Medium-Low settings.. but I LIKE MY EYECANDY! :P)
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It looks like I will wait as there are so many different versions of even the same machine that requires a whole month to understand such as Wi-fi version, Wi-fi without Skype mobile ...... 4g i.... CDMA i.... GSM i.... (I make this up). The water is just too cloudy for now. OK, the presents for myself this Thanks Giving be the 17-200mm VR II lense rather than a tablet. Last time, I bought a netbook during the Thanks Giving Shopping period and used it only 4 5 times before it started to collect dust. OK, NO MORE TOYS. LOL. Thanks everyone for contributing.
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House of Laughter

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I think you're selling yourself short and waiting for something that "may" be.

I use the IPAD for work and biz. I can remote desktop to my PC if I need "PC" funcationality using WYSE Cloud - little bulky, but it works for the one or two times I absolutely need my PC.

I can check orders, process orders, Credit Cards, display products - we even used it to double check pricing at the last swap.

Additionally, we store product pictures as examples of animals for sale as well as use it for ordering inventory.



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Not sure if you have the same problem, but I can't access manhattanreefs.com on the Ipad Safari browser... get this error message.

Wingo, I like the Ipad a lot--- just in case you're not aware, the 3g data plan can get pricey. Since free at&t wifi is included in the data plan, I get the cheapest one and bank on stopping by a Starbucks or wherever AT&T has its wifi to cut down the data usage on 3g. That's just domestic... I know you travel to Asia and the international data plan is something different.


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Queens, New York
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Not sure if you have the same problem, but I can't access manhattanreefs.com on the Ipad Safari browser... get this error message.

Wingo, I like the Ipad a lot--- just in case you're not aware, the 3g data plan can get pricey. Since free at&t wifi is included in the data plan, I get the cheapest one and bank on stopping by a Starbucks or wherever AT&T has its wifi to cut down the data usage on 3g. That's just domestic... I know you travel to Asia and the international data plan is something different.

+1 on iPhone/iPad website issue.

It wouldn't be so annoying if I could receive reefberrys through tapatalk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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